Submit Your Weekly Hours

2 min. readlast update: 12.09.2024

Here, you will complete each employee's timesheets.


1. Under 'hours' input the number of hours worked. Adjust pay rate under ‘pay rate’. If the employee did not work any hours, type in 0.

Note: If you do not see all of your employees on the list, please add them through employee onboarding.

You can click the Sync button in the top right corner to refresh your employees' list. If they still don’t appear, it may take up to 48 hours after a new employee is onboarding.


2. If you need to report a tip for an hourly employee, check the ‘Tipped Employee’ box. 

     a. Select '+Earning'

     b. Select ‘Choose’ and then select the type of tip you are adding.

     c. Enter the tip amount in the ‘Amount’ field and click ‘Done' when finished.


3. To add a deduction or additional earnings for an employee, click on the three dots on the right side of the employee's name.

     a. Select 'additional earnings' if that is what you are adding and click on '+ Earning'.

     b. Select 'choose' and a drop-down menu will appear. From the menu, select the type of         earnings to be added.

     c. Enter the amount in the 'amount' section

     If you need to add more than one earning for that employee, click on 'earning' and repeat       the steps.

     d. Once done, click on 'Done'.


4. For deductions, repeat the same process but select ‘deduction’ instead.


5. If no employee worked, select ‘Inactive Payroll.’ 


If yes, it sets all employees to 0 (inactive week)

An inactive week must be reported as inactive to avoid being canceled


6. Once you have completed inputting each employee's time, select 'Review Timesheet'


7. Review your timesheet and make sure everything is correct, once done select ‘submit payroll’

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